Principal's Report

A very slimmed down newsletter this week. We hope that everyone has a lovely break, the weather definitely makes things brighter! As the term draws to a close, all members of the Anakie PS Community can look back on the excellent growth of all our students across the past 10 weeks. Each term our calendar looks bare at the begining, only to quickly fill up with lots of great learning experiences for the students.

Last Tuesday we had five students venture to Landy Field to participate in the next stage of the athletics. Thank you to Mrs Thompson who accompanied the students, and to the parents who transported the children. A special mention to Zoe Bowkett, who has advanced through to the next stage in both triple jump and discuss. Zoe also broke the district record for her age group in discuss. Well done!

Another exciting things for students is the completion of the Friendship Garden - uur beautiful new play space. With many thanks to our amazing supporters and donators: Bendigo Bank, Bunnings Nth Geelong, Chelvon Quarry, The Giacometti Family and local members of the Anakie community for their help and support. We look forward to offically opening the space on Friday 13th October at 2:30pm, at our assembly, followed by afternoon tea - everyone is welcome. An extra addition to the space, a boat, was delivered yesterday. We ask that families stay away from the boat over the holidays until it is fixed into place. Check out the photos below.


Our Art Show is locked in for Friday 17th November. Please save the date and let other members of the community know. We will have food trucks, music and lots of fun for all to enjoy.

Events to come in Term 4:

Tuesdsay 3rd October - Storytime at 11:30am
Thursday 5th October - Grade 3-6 Incursion (Toonworld Stopmotion)
Monday 9th - Friday 13th October - School Swimming Program at The Geelong College
Friday 13th October - Playground Opening at 2:30pm
Saturday 14th October - Anakie Community Day
Tuesday 17th October - Storytime at 11:30am
Monday 23rd - Friday 27th October - Book Fair
Wednesday 25th October - Geelong Cup Holiday (No school)
Thursdsay 26th October - Transition Session #1
Monday 13th November - Curriculum Day (OSHC available)
Tuesday 14th November - Transition Session #2
Friday 17th November - ART SHOW!!!
Friday 24th November - Colour Run
Tuesday 12th December - State-wide Transition Day
Thursday 14th December - Celebration Evening
Friday 15th December - Open Classrooms
Monday 18th December - Celebration Day (surprise)
Tuesday 19th December - Teeth on Wheels Dental Van
Wednesday 20th December - Last day of term - 1:30pm finish

Have a wonderful break and we will see you in Term 4.

Many thanks,
Louise Kahle

Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received an award for demonstrating our values over the past fortnight:

GRADE F/1/2: Hayden Stewart - Well done Hayden in aiming for EXCELLENCE in your writing, you have really focused and applied yourself to your narrative writing tasks and created some interesting stories to share! You have also shown RESPECT to your friends by listening to their ideas and making positive comments in our classroom. Keep up the good work!

GRADE 3/4: Max Sparks - For demonstrating the school value of persistence when completing learning tasks, and for showing respect towards your peers by offering a helping hand when help is needed.

GRADE 3/4: Georje Zavitsanos - For demonstrating the character strength of gratitude, being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen each day. And for displaying bravery when completing challenging learning tasks in class. Keep it up Georje!

GRADE 5/6: Ned Bubb - For your unwavering tenacity as you work to master long division. Ned, you have shown Resilience and a commitment to Aim for Excellence - and never let the challenge get the best of you. Keep up the hard work!

GRADE 5/6: Beau Denny - For your enthusiasm and dedication to your classroom jobs. Beau, you show great Responsibility as you feed the school animals, and help others to do this too. Well done!

ART: Jesse Quarrell - Jesse you worked so hard on the features of your clay chicken to make it just right. And you demonstrated amazing resilience to rebuild it again when your chicken was dropped.
Well done - superstar!

AUSLAN: Danny Hruska - Danny you have tried so hard in the last few weeks in Auslan to Aim for Excellence. You have listened carefully and made great choices. Keep it up!

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Carrick Holden - You Aimed for Excellence in our Tennis clinic by trying your hardest to master forehand, backhand and volleys and you showed persistence and skill in our game of Giant Knockout!

PERFORMING ARTS: Savannah Vasils - For displaying the school values of Respect and Aiming for Excellence in our Performing Arts session this week. You followed the instructions and did a wonderful job at tap dancing. Well done!

PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Ava Capon - For consistently displaying all the school values. Ava, you set such a great example to the other students with your positive attitude and commitment to your learning. Well done!

Colour Run

This year we will be holding a Crazy Colour Day on Friday 24th November to raise money for our wonderful school. That means we’re going to run around and get messy with colour powder. Who’s excited?

Don't forget to keep fundraising - we are already over $1000 raised!

Principal's Report

Louise Kahle



A very slimmed down newsletter this week. We hope that everyone has a lovely break, the weather definitely makes things brighter! As the term draws to a close, all members of the Anakie PS Community can look back on the excellent growth of all our students across the past 10 weeks. Each term our calendar looks bare at the begining, only to quickly fill up with lots of great learning experiences for the students.

Last Tuesday we had five students venture to Landy Field to participate in the next stage of the athletics. Thank you to Mrs Thompson who accompanied the students, and to the parents who transported the children. A special mention to Zoe Bowkett, who has advanced through to the next stage in both triple jump and discuss. Zoe also broke the district record for her age group in discuss. Well done!

Another exciting things for students is the completion of the Friendship Garden - uur beautiful new play space. With many thanks to our amazing supporters and donators: Bendigo Bank, Bunnings Nth Geelong, Chelvon Quarry, The Giacometti Family and local members of the Anakie community for their help and support. We look forward to offically opening the space on Friday 13th October at 2:30pm, at our assembly, followed by afternoon tea - everyone is welcome. An extra addition to the space, a boat, was delivered yesterday. We ask that families stay away from the boat over the holidays until it is fixed into place. Check out the photos below.


Our Art Show is locked in for Friday 17th November. Please save the date and let other members of the community know. We will have food trucks, music and lots of fun for all to enjoy.

Events to come in Term 4:

Tuesdsay 3rd October - Storytime at 11:30am
Thursday 5th October - Grade 3-6 Incursion (Toonworld Stopmotion)
Monday 9th - Friday 13th October - School Swimming Program at The Geelong College
Friday 13th October - Playground Opening at 2:30pm
Saturday 14th October - Anakie Community Day
Tuesday 17th October - Storytime at 11:30am
Monday 23rd - Friday 27th October - Book Fair
Wednesday 25th October - Geelong Cup Holiday (No school)
Thursdsay 26th October - Transition Session #1
Monday 13th November - Curriculum Day (OSHC available)
Tuesday 14th November - Transition Session #2
Friday 17th November - ART SHOW!!!
Friday 24th November - Colour Run
Tuesday 12th December - State-wide Transition Day
Thursday 14th December - Celebration Evening
Friday 15th December - Open Classrooms
Monday 18th December - Celebration Day (surprise)
Tuesday 19th December - Teeth on Wheels Dental Van
Wednesday 20th December - Last day of term - 1:30pm finish

Have a wonderful break and we will see you in Term 4.

Many thanks,
Louise Kahle
