Principal's Report

Week 6 is almost finished and we are officially half way through the term. Although we are coming towards the end of the year, there are lots of great activities and events in the calendar. Next Friday 17th November, we welcome the return of our Art Show. Mrs Thompson has been busy preparing an amazing variety of artwork to share with the community. Our students have been working extremely hard during their art lessons, both individually and collaboratively, to create their masterpieces. On the night we are excited to have the Woodfire Pizza truck, the CFA will be conducting a BBQ, and Del Rios winery will have wine available for sale. There will also be a soft drink stall run by our Junior School Council. A very big thank you to Bunnings North Geelong who has donated an artist package for our raffle. There will also be an auction for some very special pieces of artwork created by each year level. The night runs from 5pm - 8pm, don't forget to bring your family and friends.

As highighted on the Anakie PS Facebook Page ( , Zoe Bowkett competed in the State Athletics Championships last week. A very big congratulations to Zoe who came first place in the discuss. What an enormous achievement - the whole school is very proud of you. Next up for Zoe is representing Victoria in the School Sports Championships in Tasmania.


On Tuesday 14th November, the day after our curriculum day, we will be going blue for World Diabetes Day. Students are invited to wear blue on the day. Will will have cupcakes for sale to raise funds for diabetes research. Cupcakes will be available for $3 each, so make sure students bring some coins to purchase one on the day. They will be on sale at recess time. World Diabetes Day is a global occasion on which people with diabetes, health professionals, diabetes advocates, media, the general public and government organisations unite to raise awareness of diabetes. Thank you for your support!

Diabetes Day


On Friday 24th November all students will be participating in our school colour run. This will be taking place at 3pm, straight after assembly. We are also luck to have the CFA Community Safety Team coming to Anakie PS on the day, firstly to present a fire information session, and secondly to spray the students on their run! Hopefully we have some good weather! Anakie FSE FLYER - if you click on this flyer, it will provide you with all the information that you need about the fire information session - which is very prevalent coming into the warmer months. It would be great to have lots of parents and members of the community in attendance.


Congratulations to Zoe, Aidan, Beau and Quinn who participated in the Lions Club Speech Night on Wednesday 1st November. All four students presented a speech about a topic of their interest. Other students from Balliang East Primary School and Little River Primary also participated. It was great to see the confidence of the students in their presentation, where they were provided with feedback about their speech. Well done to all! Check out the photos below.


Over the past few weeks staff have noticed that a large number of students are being picked up early. We completely understand when students have appointments that can not be made for a different time, however if possible, can the early pick-ups be limited as it causes a disruption to both the classroom and individual student's learning. Our learning program goes right through to the end of the day, and often if half a lesson is missed, it impacts of future lessons. Your cooperation with this would be greatly appreciated.


Did you know that government schools are not public places and there is no general right for the public to enter school land at any time? Families are welcome to utilise the space outside of school hours, however over the past term, there have been a number of people walking through the school grounds with their dog of leash during the hours of 7am and 6pm. There have been many occassion where owners have not picked up after their dogs, creating issues for our students. New signage will be placed around the school indicating that between the hours of 7am and 6pm no public access is not allowed to the school grounds. We are unable to patrol this over weekends and after hours, community support would be appreciated.

DATES TO COME - also in the calendar

Monday 13th November - Curriculum Day (OSHC available)
Tuesday 14th November - Transition Session #2 for 2024 Foundation students
Friday 17th November - ART SHOW!!!
Friday 24th November - Colour Run & Fire Information Session
Tuesday 12th December - State-wide Transition Day - all students
Thursday 14th December - Celebration Evening
Friday 15th December - Open Classrooms
Monday 18th December - Celebration Day (surprise)
Tuesday 19th December - Teeth on Wheels Dental Van
Wednesday 20th December - Last day of term - 1:30pm finish - Please note there will be no OSHC available on the final day of school. Students are to be picked up by 1:30pm.
Many thanks,
Louise Kahle

Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received an award for demonstrating our values over the past fortnight:

GRADE F/1/2: Jake Tucker - Well done Jake on showing our school value of respectful behaviour towards your peers, yourself, and our school. You have created some wonderful new friendships since starting at Anakie PS and enjoy engaging in the learning tasks in the classroom. It is nice to see you listening to other students during group work and working well in pairs. We are so happy you have joined the Anakie community! Keep up the good work!

GRADE F/1/2: Benjamin Wimmer - Congratulations Benjamin on demonstrating our school value of RESILIENCE within your learning. You have persisted with your learning tasks even if you find it challenging at times. You are never afraid to ask questions to clarify your learning and achieve success. You aim for EXCELLENCE and show you are proud of your achievements. Keep up the great work!

GRADE 3/4: Charlize Vasils- For displaying the character trait of Aiming for Excellence in regards to her academic achievements so far this year. Congratulations, Charlize, on this well-deserved recognition. A superb effort!

GRADE 5/6: Zoe Bowkett - Zoe, throughout Grade 5 you have demonstrated RESPONSIBILITY through your hard work and commitment to achieving EXCELLENCE in your learning, as well as your pursuits outside of school. You have excelled in public speaking commitments and sports competitions, and continue to show care and RESPECT for all around you. Congratulations, Zoe, on a wonderful year's work.

ART: Sullivan Heskett - For Aiming For Excellence with your woolen owl and your watercolour butterflies. You were so focused and it was reflected in your creativity. Well done!

AUSLAN: Moesly Palmer - You have made such a big effort in all specialist classes lately. You are showing respect, resilience, responsibility and Aiming for Excellence - Big improvement. Well done!

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Eli Wimmer - For Aiming For Excellence in our Softball clinic. It was awesome to see you hit a home run and be such a valuable team member!

PERFORMING ARTS: Ryder Bevans - For demonstrating enthusiasm during our Performing Arts lesson. You engage with the content and give it your all during our rehearsals. Well done!

PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Max Sparks - For being respectful and considerate of the staff and students. You try your best during all activities and demonstrate our school values. Well done!

School Council President Message

WOW, it’s hard to believe that we are almost in the final countdown to the end of the year.

It amazes me how much our teaching staff can fit into our children’s day of learning, and how lucky they all are to have such dedicated teachers, support staff, admin and beyond.

Being apart of the school council, we get to see a small insight into how much work, preparation and dedication goes into preparing and delivering not only class structure every day, but also all the extra activities that the kids get to enjoy. You only have to look around the school yard, and around the classes to see how hard everyone works every single day for the greater good of Anakie Primary School students and their families, and even though World Teachers' Day has been and gone, I think everyday should be World Teachers' Day. So for this, thankyou.

I hope everyone enjoys the last few weeks of the school year, and all the AMAZING fun activities still to come, and of course celebrating all the wonderful achievements that have been had this year.

Jessica Capon

School council president

Remembrance Day

Saturday 11 November 2023 is Remembrance Day — a day for us all to remember those who have served and those who have died in all wars and peacekeeping operations. Remembrance Day marks the date in 1918 when the First World War came to an end. It is officially observed at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month each year. Remembrance Day will be marked by a pause at 11 am on Saturday 11 November 2023 for a minute’s silence, to remember people's service and sacrifice. Remembrance Day marks the moment the guns fell silent on the Western Front at the end of the First World War—the first moment of peace in four years.

Victoria’s Shrine of Remembrance will hold a commemorative service on Remembrance Day. The service will be live streamed on the Shrine’s Facebook and YouTube channels from 10:30 am. Refer to the Shrine of Remembrance website for more information.

Wellbeing Update

Feed Me Geelong

Feed Me Geelong

Struggling to feed your family? Register for food help with Feed Me Geelong so that you can pick up food boxes weekly, no questions asked. Register here:

Art Show

Anakie Art Show

Make sure you save the date for Anakie PS Art Show - Friday 17th November at the Anakie Hall. Pizza truck, CFA BBQ, ice-cream van, Del Rios wines and lots more! Mrs Thompson has been working overtime to get the artworks created, auction items perfected, and displays to a Picasso standard. We hope that all our students can come along with their families and friends, as well as extended members of the Anakie community, to enjoy a great afternoon/evening.

Fire Safety Information Session

Principal's Report

Louise Kahle



Week 6 is almost finished and we are officially half way through the term. Although we are coming towards the end of the year, there are lots of great activities and events in the calendar. Next Friday 17th November, we welcome the return of our Art Show. Mrs Thompson has been busy preparing an amazing variety of artwork to share with the community. Our students have been working extremely hard during their art lessons, both individually and collaboratively, to create their masterpieces. On the night we are excited to have the Woodfire Pizza truck, the CFA will be conducting a BBQ, and Del Rios winery will have wine available for sale. There will also be a soft drink stall run by our Junior School Council. A very big thank you to Bunnings North Geelong who has donated an artist package for our raffle. There will also be an auction for some very special pieces of artwork created by each year level. The night runs from 5pm - 8pm, don't forget to bring your family and friends.

As highighted on the Anakie PS Facebook Page ( , Zoe Bowkett competed in the State Athletics Championships last week. A very big congratulations to Zoe who came first place in the discuss. What an enormous achievement - the whole school is very proud of you. Next up for Zoe is representing Victoria in the School Sports Championships in Tasmania.


On Tuesday 14th November, the day after our curriculum day, we will be going blue for World Diabetes Day. Students are invited to wear blue on the day. Will will have cupcakes for sale to raise funds for diabetes research. Cupcakes will be available for $3 each, so make sure students bring some coins to purchase one on the day. They will be on sale at recess time. World Diabetes Day is a global occasion on which people with diabetes, health professionals, diabetes advocates, media, the general public and government organisations unite to raise awareness of diabetes. Thank you for your support!

Diabetes Day


On Friday 24th November all students will be participating in our school colour run. This will be taking place at 3pm, straight after assembly. We are also luck to have the CFA Community Safety Team coming to Anakie PS on the day, firstly to present a fire information session, and secondly to spray the students on their run! Hopefully we have some good weather! Anakie FSE FLYER - if you click on this flyer, it will provide you with all the information that you need about the fire information session - which is very prevalent coming into the warmer months. It would be great to have lots of parents and members of the community in attendance.


Congratulations to Zoe, Aidan, Beau and Quinn who participated in the Lions Club Speech Night on Wednesday 1st November. All four students presented a speech about a topic of their interest. Other students from Balliang East Primary School and Little River Primary also participated. It was great to see the confidence of the students in their presentation, where they were provided with feedback about their speech. Well done to all! Check out the photos below.


Over the past few weeks staff have noticed that a large number of students are being picked up early. We completely understand when students have appointments that can not be made for a different time, however if possible, can the early pick-ups be limited as it causes a disruption to both the classroom and individual student's learning. Our learning program goes right through to the end of the day, and often if half a lesson is missed, it impacts of future lessons. Your cooperation with this would be greatly appreciated.


Did you know that government schools are not public places and there is no general right for the public to enter school land at any time? Families are welcome to utilise the space outside of school hours, however over the past term, there have been a number of people walking through the school grounds with their dog of leash during the hours of 7am and 6pm. There have been many occassion where owners have not picked up after their dogs, creating issues for our students. New signage will be placed around the school indicating that between the hours of 7am and 6pm no public access is not allowed to the school grounds. We are unable to patrol this over weekends and after hours, community support would be appreciated.

DATES TO COME - also in the calendar

Monday 13th November - Curriculum Day (OSHC available)
Tuesday 14th November - Transition Session #2 for 2024 Foundation students
Friday 17th November - ART SHOW!!!
Friday 24th November - Colour Run & Fire Information Session
Tuesday 12th December - State-wide Transition Day - all students
Thursday 14th December - Celebration Evening
Friday 15th December - Open Classrooms
Monday 18th December - Celebration Day (surprise)
Tuesday 19th December - Teeth on Wheels Dental Van
Wednesday 20th December - Last day of term - 1:30pm finish - Please note there will be no OSHC available on the final day of school. Students are to be picked up by 1:30pm.
Many thanks,
Louise Kahle
