Principal's Report

With the first term almost over half way, there have been lots of exciting things happening at Anakie Primary School. Students have participated in some great learning opportunities relating to science over the past two weeks. Our Grade 1-6 students ventured to Quantum - an innovative centre bringing science and mathematics education to life for students. Our Grade 3/4 students also visited Ecolinc where they learnt how palaeontologists use evidence to learn about megafauna and how Earth has changed over time. Our chickens have settled into life at Anakie PS very well, they are laying eggs and being well looked after by members of our environmental club.

School Council

Congratulations to Glenn Giacommeti who is the newest member of our School Council. We look forward to having Glenn join the council offically at our next meeting. A note to families, our AGM will be held on Monday 18th March at 6pm in the middle space. All families are welcome for this meeting. Straight after this meeting will be the first offical meeting for the School Council, where office bearers will be elected.

Junior School Council and Environmental Club

Congratulations to all students who were elected into the JSC and Enviro Club. We will be presenting the JSC badges at assembly on Monday, and there is something special coming soon for the members of our Environmental Club.

Curriculum Day

Just a reminder that there is no school for students on Wednesday 6th March. Staff will be heading to the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership to complete a full day of professional learning relating to responsive teaching. OSHC is still running for those students who have booked in.

Cross Country

We will be holding our school Cross Country on Thursday 21st March. More details to come soon!

DATES TO COME - also in the calendar

Wednesday 6th March - Curriculum Day (no school for students unless booked in to OSHC)
Thursday 7th March - Grade 5/6 North Geelong Secondary College visit
Monday 11th March - Labour Day holiday - school closed
Wednesday 13th - Friday 15th March - NAPLAN (Grade 3 and 5 students)
Monday 18th March - School Council AGM - 6pm - all welcome
Thursday 21st March - School Cross Country at the Anakie Reserve
Sunday 24th March - Anakie House Community Day
Thursday 28th March - Last day of Term 1
Monday 8th - Friday 12th April - School Holiday Program (booking essential)
Monday 15th April - First Day of Term 2
Tuesday 16th April - District Aths

Many thanks,
Louise Kahle

Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received an award for demonstrating our values over the past fortnight:

FOUNDATION: Charlotte Capuano - For being an enthusiastic and responsible learner during writing. Charlotte uses her time efficiently and completes writing tasks set to the best of her ability. Keep up the great work Charlotte.

GRADE 1/2: Madelyn Patman - For aiming for EXCELLENCE with all your school work. You are always putting your hand up in class discussions and contributing . You start your independent work quickly and with enthusiasm and have done an excellent job with you information report on Elephants this week. Well done Madelyn!!

GRADE 3/4: Hayden Stewart - For trying hard to solve challenging tasks at school, and seeking support from teachers or trusted adults when needed. Well done Hayden!

GRADE 5/6: Ryder Bevans - For using addition strategies that help him AIM FOR EXCELLENCE in his Maths, as well as showing outstanding leadership and RESPECT towards his peers and teachers. Congratulations, Ryder.

ART: Alex Giacometti - For showing Resilience and Persistence during our ‘Colour Mixing’ lesson. You completed the task thoughtfully and followed all the instructions carefully. Well done!

AUSLAN: Beau Denny - For always trying your hardest in Auslan sessions and remembering so many of the new food signs we have been learning. Keep it up!

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Chloe Bui - For always participating fully in P.E. sessions, giving your best effort to each activity and being a supportive team mate. Well done!

KITCHEN GARDEN PROGRAM: Madelyn Patman - For showing the school value of respect. You showed fantastic team spirit by encouraging others during our Wheel Barrow Licence race. Well done, Madelyn!

PERFORMING ARTS: Savannah Vasils - For having a go at new things, trying your hardest and demonstrating respect during lessons. Keep up the great work, Savannah!

PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Alfie Ellery - For being respectful and considerate to the other students in the class. Alfie, you are always Aiming For Excellence and giving everything a try. Well done!

Wellbeing Updates

Tuning in to Kids

Meet the Wellbeing Team

We are excited to have an amazing team working at Anakie Primary School this year. There are some new faces around, and some that have been here for a while. School photos will be held in Term 2, however in the mean time I would like to formally introduce you to our Wellbeing Team. Our team has grown significantly this year, as we were successful gaining funding through the Wellbeing Program.

Mrs Lauren Salajan - Lauren is our Mental Health in Primary Schools Leader (MHiPS). Lauren has been working at Anakie PS since the beginning of 2023, and is a great support to our students and leading the team.

Mrs Allison Cooke - has experience working with families and children both in the classroom and the community.

Mrs Candice Coles - is a family support worker to working on Mondays and Fridays to support students and families with a variety of needs.

Mrs Kylie Reed - is completing her traineeship hours for her Diploma in Mental Health, and working alongside the rest of the team to delivery support.

Mrs Tess Wilson - Tess is currently on Family Leave, however will be returning to Anakie PS mid-year. Tess is also one of our MHiPS leaders, working closely with the classroom teachers to develop resources to support student's in the learning.

Anakie PS Wellbeing Tea

Programs that are on offer through our Wellbeing Support Team:

  1. Westmead Feelings Program - teaching children about emotional understanding and social awareness, in close collaboration with parents, teachers and facilitators.
  2. LEGO-Based Therapy - a social development program that uses LEGO activities to support the development of a wide range of social skills within a group setting.
  3. Kimochis - Helping educators and families help kids manage difficult feelings and challenging behaviors.
  4. Tuning Into Kids - The Tuning in to Kids® suite of programs provide a new way of working with families that focuses on the emotional connection between parents and children. The programs aim to teach parents and carers skills in recognising, understanding and managing their own and their children’s emotions.
  5. Appointment-based sessions for parents

Annual Privacy Reminder - Department of Education

Annual privacy reminder for our school community

Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.

Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn.

We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Google Workspace for Education safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Google Workspace for Education, please contact the school.

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:

  • Amharic
  • Arabic
  • Dari
  • Gujarati
  • Mandarin
  • Somali
  • Sudanese
  • Turkish
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese

Principal's Report

Louise Kahle



With the first term almost over half way, there have been lots of exciting things happening at Anakie Primary School. Students have participated in some great learning opportunities relating to science over the past two weeks. Our Grade 1-6 students ventured to Quantum - an innovative centre bringing science and mathematics education to life for students. Our Grade 3/4 students also visited Ecolinc where they learnt how palaeontologists use evidence to learn about megafauna and how Earth has changed over time. Our chickens have settled into life at Anakie PS very well, they are laying eggs and being well looked after by members of our environmental club.

School Council

Congratulations to Glenn Giacommeti who is the newest member of our School Council. We look forward to having Glenn join the council offically at our next meeting. A note to families, our AGM will be held on Monday 18th March at 6pm in the middle space. All families are welcome for this meeting. Straight after this meeting will be the first offical meeting for the School Council, where office bearers will be elected.

Junior School Council and Environmental Club

Congratulations to all students who were elected into the JSC and Enviro Club. We will be presenting the JSC badges at assembly on Monday, and there is something special coming soon for the members of our Environmental Club.

Curriculum Day

Just a reminder that there is no school for students on Wednesday 6th March. Staff will be heading to the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership to complete a full day of professional learning relating to responsive teaching. OSHC is still running for those students who have booked in.

Cross Country

We will be holding our school Cross Country on Thursday 21st March. More details to come soon!

DATES TO COME - also in the calendar

Wednesday 6th March - Curriculum Day (no school for students unless booked in to OSHC)
Thursday 7th March - Grade 5/6 North Geelong Secondary College visit
Monday 11th March - Labour Day holiday - school closed
Wednesday 13th - Friday 15th March - NAPLAN (Grade 3 and 5 students)
Monday 18th March - School Council AGM - 6pm - all welcome
Thursday 21st March - School Cross Country at the Anakie Reserve
Sunday 24th March - Anakie House Community Day
Thursday 28th March - Last day of Term 1
Monday 8th - Friday 12th April - School Holiday Program (booking essential)
Monday 15th April - First Day of Term 2
Tuesday 16th April - District Aths

Many thanks,
Louise Kahle

Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received an award for demonstrating our values over the past fortnight:

FOUNDATION: Charlotte Capuano - For being an enthusiastic and responsible learner during writing. Charlotte uses her time efficiently and completes writing tasks set to the best of her ability. Keep up the great work Charlotte.

GRADE 1/2: Madelyn Patman - For aiming for EXCELLENCE with all your school work. You are always putting your hand up in class discussions and contributing . You start your independent work quickly and with enthusiasm and have done an excellent job with you information report on Elephants this week. Well done Madelyn!!

GRADE 3/4: Hayden Stewart - For trying hard to solve challenging tasks at school, and seeking support from teachers or trusted adults when needed. Well done Hayden!

GRADE 5/6: Ryder Bevans - For using addition strategies that help him AIM FOR EXCELLENCE in his Maths, as well as showing outstanding leadership and RESPECT towards his peers and teachers. Congratulations, Ryder.

ART: Alex Giacometti - For showing Resilience and Persistence during our ‘Colour Mixing’ lesson. You completed the task thoughtfully and followed all the instructions carefully. Well done!

AUSLAN: Beau Denny - For always trying your hardest in Auslan sessions and remembering so many of the new food signs we have been learning. Keep it up!

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Chloe Bui - For always participating fully in P.E. sessions, giving your best effort to each activity and being a supportive team mate. Well done!

KITCHEN GARDEN PROGRAM: Madelyn Patman - For showing the school value of respect. You showed fantastic team spirit by encouraging others during our Wheel Barrow Licence race. Well done, Madelyn!

PERFORMING ARTS: Savannah Vasils - For having a go at new things, trying your hardest and demonstrating respect during lessons. Keep up the great work, Savannah!

PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Alfie Ellery - For being respectful and considerate to the other students in the class. Alfie, you are always Aiming For Excellence and giving everything a try. Well done!

Wellbeing Updates

Tuning in to Kids

Meet the Wellbeing Team

We are excited to have an amazing team working at Anakie Primary School this year. There are some new faces around, and some that have been here for a while. School photos will be held in Term 2, however in the mean time I would like to formally introduce you to our Wellbeing Team. Our team has grown significantly this year, as we were successful gaining funding through the Wellbeing Program.

Mrs Lauren Salajan - Lauren is our Mental Health in Primary Schools Leader (MHiPS). Lauren has been working at Anakie PS since the beginning of 2023, and is a great support to our students and leading the team.

Mrs Allison Cooke - has experience working with families and children both in the classroom and the community.

Mrs Candice Coles - is a family support worker to working on Mondays and Fridays to support students and families with a variety of needs.

Mrs Kylie Reed - is completing her traineeship hours for her Diploma in Mental Health, and working alongside the rest of the team to delivery support.

Mrs Tess Wilson - Tess is currently on Family Leave, however will be returning to Anakie PS mid-year. Tess is also one of our MHiPS leaders, working closely with the classroom teachers to develop resources to support student's in the learning.

Anakie PS Wellbeing Tea

Programs that are on offer through our Wellbeing Support Team:

  1. Westmead Feelings Program - teaching children about emotional understanding and social awareness, in close collaboration with parents, teachers and facilitators.
  2. LEGO-Based Therapy - a social development program that uses LEGO activities to support the development of a wide range of social skills within a group setting.
  3. Kimochis - Helping educators and families help kids manage difficult feelings and challenging behaviors.
  4. Tuning Into Kids - The Tuning in to Kids® suite of programs provide a new way of working with families that focuses on the emotional connection between parents and children. The programs aim to teach parents and carers skills in recognising, understanding and managing their own and their children’s emotions.
  5. Appointment-based sessions for parents

Annual Privacy Reminder - Department of Education

Annual privacy reminder for our school community

Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.

Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn.

We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Google Workspace for Education safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Google Workspace for Education, please contact the school.

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:

  • Amharic
  • Arabic
  • Dari
  • Gujarati
  • Mandarin
  • Somali
  • Sudanese
  • Turkish
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese